Page 18 - Seller Guide Flipbook - 2-5-2021-2
P. 18

a FeW PrettY team

                                              SuCCeSS StOrieS                                                                                                     WHY DOeS YOur

                                                                                                                                             reaL eState COmPanY matter?

                                                                                                                                                             Because buyers are attracted to market share,

                                                                                                                                                          cutting-edge technology, and a win-win experience!

            2507 St. regis Drive       16833 Jaydee Court          6512 Fieldtan trail      12018 Hadden Hall Dr
            north Chesterfield               moseley                    moseley                  Chesterfield
             $679,900 list price         $447,500 list price        $489,000 list price        $450,000 list price
            $679,900 sale price         $447,500 sale price        $510,000 sale price        $458,000 sale price                                     Keller Williams is the #1 company in the world
                 4 Days                      9 Days                     4 Days                     6 Days
                                                                                                                                                                 for number of licensed agents

                                                                                                                                                  Keller Williams is the #1 company in north america

                                                                                                                                                                 for most sold volume and units

            3121 Barnack road         9068 Haversack Lane       5307 rock Harbour road      13406 Sir Britton Court
                midlothian                mechanicsville               midlothian                Chesterfield
             $305,000 list price         $375,000 list price        $345,000 list price        $425,000 list price
            $310,000 sale price         $375,000 sale price        $347,000 sale price        $428,950 sale price                                      Keller Williams was named the #1 company
                 5 Days                     13 Days                     5 Days                     2 Days                                            for training in any industry (training magazine)

                                                                                                                                                     Keller Williams was named Happiest Company

                                                                                                                                                             to work for in america (Career Bliss)

          2301 greenway avenue      19071 Hawkins Church ro      4102 gloucestershire St     6605 Sandrock Drive
                 Henrico                    Dinwiddie              north Chesterfield         north Chesterfield
             $225,000 list price         $185,000 list price        $242,000 list price        $259,900 list price
            $250,000 sale price         $190,000 sale price        $247,000 sale price        $262,000 sale price
                 3 Days                      5 Days                     7 Days                     5 Days

           Doors.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       P

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